Are You Running Your Business Using A Mac?

OS X is called the world’s most advanced operating system by Apple. The Mac environment is extremely user-friendly, incredibly stable, features world-class security features, supports a vast majority of software needed by businesses and even supports Windows. So if you are running your business using a Mac, we can help, by providing the templates that you need.

Are You Using Pages?

Apple iWork provides many of the same software tools as Microsoft Office, but with the refinement and sofistication that you have come to trust from Apple. OS X also offers businesses many built-in tools to run right out of the box, with features such as: Mail, Address Book, iCal, built-in PDF support.

We take the Work out of iWork! Looking for a legal template for your law office? Stop looking! We have the legal forms for Pages (Apple's word processor).

Legal Forms Available:
- "Pleading Paper w/ Caption"
- "Pleading Paper w/o Caption"

If you have a suggestion for a form/letter template that you want/need for Apple Pages ...

Contact Us


We currently have Pleading paper with caption and without caption.
If you need a form or letter created for your business, please let us know!

Pleading Paper with Caption

Pleading Paper with Caption

After purchasing the forms you will receive an email confirming your order and then one with the download files.

Pleading Paper without Caption

Pleading Paper without Caption

After purchasing the forms you will receive an email confirming your order and then one with the download files.

About Us

The company was started from necessity. My wife is a Family Law Attorney in Orange County and I am a Business Analyst that has worked in the Financial Industry for the past 12 years. We have always loved Apple products and have Apple computers at home, so when she decided to open her own Law Firm, a question came up ... Should she use OS X or Windows? She left that up to me (the tech savvy) to decide. I did a lot of research and we ended up going with OS X. She has been really happy using her Mac at work. Soon after, she came up with some challenges. She wanted to use Apple Pages for Pleading paper, but didn’t know how to create it. She again turned to the tech savvy in the family, and I created a pleading paper for her to use in Pages.

And now we want to share our knowledge and templates with the legal community.


Online Store

After purchasing these 2 forms you will receive an email confirming your order and then one with the download files.
The emails will come from